
Help for relationships and individuals

Puget Sound and Seattle from Bainbridge Island

Fees for relationship counseling sessions are:

  • $150 for 55-minute sessions
  • $180 for 85-minute sessions
  • $210 for 115-minute sessions 

Try my relationship workshops

I offer half-day and full-day Saturday workshops tailored specifically to your relationship and its unique situation. These are not templated group seminars, but rather private "marathon sessions" for couples and relationships who want a jump start on weekly counseling sessions or singular relationship tune-ups. You'll learn how to communicate better, handle conflict more effectively, and much more. Email me for more information.

Fees for relationship marathon sessions are:

  • Half Day (4 hours): $599
  • Full Day (8 hours): $949 (Includes lunch)


Assistance for relationships of all sizes and all issues, including:

  • Communication: Learn the basics of communication and how to communicate clearly and effectively. 

  • Conflicts: Stop fighting and start having more productive conflicts, as well as how to repair after them. 

  • Affairs: Repair your relationship and learn to trust and process the experience together.

  • Sex: Address whatever you are facing in your sex life, including having more sex, having more fulfilling sexual experiences, erection troubles, premature ejaculation, and more. 

  • Premarital: Get ready by learning how to communicate better, have more productive conflicts, and discuss the most common issues for relationships.  

  • Life Stages: Navigate through new waters, from newlyweds to new parents, to empty-nesters to seniors.

I mostly use Gottman Method, Emotion-Focused Therapy, and Developmental Model of Couples Therapy among techniques and interventions from Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Narrative Therapy. Every relationship is different, and approaches may vary based on presenting issues for your relationship.. 



Assistance for individuals who want help with life's challenges, including:

  • Self-esteem issues

  • Anxiety
  • Grief counseling

  • Career counseling
  • Sexuality, gender & sexual issues

  • Life transitions

I mostly use techniques and interventions from Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Narrative Therapy. This includes specific training and education for grief and sex therapy. Every client is different, and approaches may vary based on your specific situation.. 

Fees for individual counseling sessions are:

  • $150 for 55-minute sessions
  • $180 for 85-minute sessions
  • $210 for 115-minute sessions

Rock Formation, Beach 4, Kalaloch, Washington coast


Shores of Lake Quinault, Olympic Peninsula, Washington


Assistance for individuals who need help with sex and sexuality topics, including:

  • Sexless relationships
  • Unfulfilling sex life
  • "Sex addiction"
  • Sexual function issues (i.e., erectile, ejaculation issues)
  • Sexuality topics
  • Gender identity topics

I mostly use Gottman Method and Emotion-Focused Therapy among techniques and interventions from Psychodynamic, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Narrative Therapy for relationship and individual sex therapy. Every relationship and client is different, and approaches may vary based on your specific issues.. 

Fees for sex therapy counseling sessions are:

  • $150 for 55-minute sessions
  • $180 for 85-minute sessions
  • $210 for 115-minute sessions